eZCom Software Blog
EDI pro tips, essential guides, expert advice - eZCom Software
We are in uncharted waters right now. Health, for good reason, has become the number one priority for everyone, and the usual rules of business have been rewritten. Dramatically and suddenly. Faced with a crisis of this scope, our human instinct is to hold on. Try to keep things operating as close to normal as possible. Stick with what’s familiar. It’s only natural…
Do you have questions about EDI retailer compliance standards? If you do, you're definitely not alone…
Retailers have been quick to embrace direct-to-consumer drop shipping. And why not? Their customers go to their eCommerce store, see a product they like, and decide to buy it. But the retailer hasn’t assumed the upfront cost of stocking their warehouse—the products are still with the supplier. Stores avoid the expense of carrying inventory, while being able to offer a much wider selection of items for sale…
“The apocalypse!” “Retailgeddon!” “The Final Meltdown!” “Crashes!” “Bubbles busted!” “Flight of the Shoppers!” Many predictions about what’s next for retail and EDI in 2020 will have plenty of doom. And gloom. Remember the end of 2018? There was no shortage of dire predictions about the imminent demise of retail and established data formats like EDI. As we look towards 2020, it’s no surprise that many futurists are just hitting Repeat. But look closer and it’s obvious that while 2019 may have been rocky for some parts of retail, it was hardly the meltdown that many expected. Yes, some venerable stores downsized or disappeared entirely. But look beyond the doomsday headlines and a different picture, from brick-and-mortar to online, is revealed…
“Amazing!” “Not impressed at all!” “Love it!” “A terrible experience!” “Great—I will definitely be a repeat customer!” In today’s retail landscape, everything and everyone comes under scrutiny. Including your brand and even your customer service professionals. Learn how to deal with online reviews of your brand is essential. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, online reviews will contribute to the story that surrounds your product. You can’t control what people say, but you can manage it. The good and the bad. What’s more, a brand with a dearth of reviews will not gain the confidence of potential buyers. Especially to younger shoppers, a lack of opinions translates into irrelevance. If nobody takes the time to comment on your products, many people…
Your online store needs to make an authentic connection with your customers to thrive. Your visitors need to understand how your products are the solutions they need. When your customers connect to the features, benefits, and values of your products, your conversion rate goes up…
eZCom provides Made4net WMS with API-based EDI and TMS functionality ENGLEWOOD, NJ — EDI and online order management provider eZCom Software now integrates its Lingo software with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), creating greater efficiency throughout the supply chain…
Meeting retailer EDI standards. As your revenues grow, your retail footprint usually expands. That’s typically good news—more outlets should mean more sales. Products will be more widespread, and brand awareness increases as you reach new audiences…
X12 vs. EDIFACT As your business expands globally, you’ll eventually hear about EDIFACT. And if you are already familiar with EDI for your company, your first question will probably be: how is EDIFACT different from X12, the EDI format used throughout North America?…
If you are a cannabidiol (CBD) brand, you know that more and more retailers are stocking CBD products. No longer found primarily on the shelves of small health food shops, CBD has landed on the shelves of retail giants such as CVS, Whole Foods, and The Vitamin Shoppe. The market is growing rapidly, as more and more consumers embrace the health benefits of CBD. Looking forward, the brands that will enjoy lasting success will be those with reliable supply chains. An essential part of that? EDI for CBD brands and products…