Person working on a computer Person working on a computer
How EDI Integrations Help Rapid Growth Companies Scale
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Housewares Housewares
What Every houseware Brand Needs to Consider When it Comes to EDI

For houseware brands, electronic data interchange (EDI) is the lifeblood that facilitates seamless transactions with trading partners, enhancing supply chain visibility and ensuring accurate order processing. Going with the wrong EDI provider can result in disaster. Chargebacks. Ugly retailer scorecards. And eventually, severed relationships. Here’s what houseware brands should look for in an EDI provider that will not only help them nail communication with trading partners, but also scale their business. Industry Experience and Expertise Houseware brands should look for an EDI provider that has experience working with… you guessed it, houseware brands! An EDI provider that understands the specific needs and nuances of houseware brands can deliver more tailored solutions and faster implementation. More often than not, houseware brands…

Read More July 16, 2024
people working at a computer people working at a computer
Common EDI Errors That Can Result in Chargebacks – And How to Avoid Them

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the cornerstone of seamless exchange of business data between brands and their trading partners, facilitating faster, more accurate, and efficient communications. But the complexity of EDI can sometimes lead to errors that disrupt these processes. Here are the most common EDI errors and how to avoid them…

Read More June 5, 2024
Retail Supply Chain Retail Supply Chain
2024 Retail Trends: Mid Year Report

We’re almost to the midway point of 2024. Here’s how the retail landscape has shaped up this year so far…

Read More May 24, 2024
supply chain supply chain
Supply Chain Demand Planning 101

Supply chain demand planning is the crystal ball of the business world. Imagine if every time you went grocery shopping, you knew exactly how much milk, bread, and eggs you'd need for the week ahead. That's what demand planning does for companies, but on a much larger scale. At its core, demand planning is all about predicting what customers will want and when they'll want it. Sounds like a guessing game, right? Yes… But not really…

Read More May 8, 2024
Supply Chain Visibility Supply Chain Visibility
Enhancing Supply Chain Visibility: Simple Strategies for Brands

In today's dynamic business landscape, supply chain visibility is no longer just a buzzword; it's a necessity. With consumers demanding transparency and agility, brands must prioritize improving their supply chain visibility to stay competitive and resilient. Fortunately, there are several straightforward strategies that brands can adopt to enhance that visibility. Let’s dig in…

Read More April 26, 2024
Inventory in a warehouse Inventory in a warehouse
The Supply Chain Bullwhip Effect: What Brands Need to Know

In the complex world of supply chain management, there’s something called the bullwhip effect. The bullwhip effect shows the amplified fluctuations in inventory and order quantities experienced as one moves upstream in the supply chain, away from the end consumer…

Read More April 16, 2024
Web Security Web Security
EDI Provider Security Checklist

When a brand is considering an EDI provider (or any technology service provider, for that matter), they need to have data security at the top of their checklist. Specific to EDI, brands are trusting their provider with critical business information ranging from items and prices to customer details and should consider the following criteria……

Read More March 28, 2024
Sustainability Sustainability
How EDI Can Impact Sustainability Goals

Brands and retailers have increasingly started to care about sustainability, identifying ways to minimize the environmental impact their business has on people, populations and the planet. Many areas within a business can contribute to that effort… even EDI…

Read More March 12, 2024
EDI X12 and EDIFACT: What’s the difference? EDI X12 and EDIFACT: What’s the difference?
EDI X12 and EDIFACT: What’s the difference?

X12 vs. EDIFACT In the world of EDI, there are two standards that facilitate the exchange of information between suppliers and trading partners: X12 and EDIFACT. Ultimately, these standards define EDI documents. The main difference is actually pretty simple: X12 is the preferred EDI standard in North America while EDIFACT is used throughout Europe and Asia. As your business expands globally, you’ll eventually hear about EDIFACT. And if you are already familiar with EDI for your company, your first question will probably be: how is EDIFACT different from X12, the EDI format used throughout North America?…

Read More February 20, 2024
Image of Stas Image of Stas
eZCom Employee Spotlight: Stas Nazarenko

At eZCom Software, our people are what make the difference. To help our community better get to know the team, we’ll be profiling an eZCom Software team member each quarter. These spotlights will highlight a little bit about what they do, how they got here and what matters to them beyond EDI. To kick off 2024, we have Stas Nazarenko, who was recently promoted to a supervisor role on our support team and is the go-to resource for our Lingo Ship Application feature…

Read More February 20, 2024