eZCom Software Blog
EDI pro tips, essential guides, expert advice - eZCom Software
It's always exciting when an online purchase arrives. Okay, maybe not always—items like toilet bowl cleaner or toothpaste probably won't get the heart racing—but unpacking is definitely part of the fun of eCommerce…
At some point, just about every company that sells at the retail level will have two questions:…
Do you have questions about EDI retailer compliance standards? If you do, you're definitely not alone…
Meeting retailer EDI standards. As your revenues grow, your retail footprint usually expands. That’s typically good news—more outlets should mean more sales. Products will be more widespread, and brand awareness increases as you reach new audiences…
X12 vs. EDIFACT As your business expands globally, you’ll eventually hear about EDIFACT. And if you are already familiar with EDI for your company, your first question will probably be: how is EDIFACT different from X12, the EDI format used throughout North America?…
If you are a cannabidiol (CBD) brand, you know that more and more retailers are stocking CBD products. No longer found primarily on the shelves of small health food shops, CBD has landed on the shelves of retail giants such as CVS, Whole Foods, and The Vitamin Shoppe. The market is growing rapidly, as more and more consumers embrace the health benefits of CBD. Looking forward, the brands that will enjoy lasting success will be those with reliable supply chains. An essential part of that? EDI for CBD brands and products…
As your business grows, increase automation of EDI and order processing. As demand for your products grows, your company evolves. And whether you’re just exiting startup mode or you’re an established company finding success in new markets, nothing is static. The more you can automate EDI and order processing to control costs, the less challenging your journey will be…
What is the EDI 820? Often called the Payment or Order Remittance Advice and sometimes simply The Remittance Advice, the EDI 820 is sent by retailers to suppliers. Essentially, it informs the supplier that the invoice has been received and will be paid. When a retailer receives an invoice—the EDI 810—they follow up with the EDI 820. Which is nice, of course, because it means money is heading your way…
Spend less time on shipping labels and packing slips. Getting the right information on shipping labels and packing slips for EDI and online orders, in the least amount of time, is a critical component of an efficient supply chain. It’s hardly surprising that here at eZCom, where we’re always trying to automate tasks and eliminate errors, we have solutions that make it easier for our clients to generate shipping labels and packing slips for EDI and online orders…
Check-check....testing...1-2-3….EDI testing. When you begin exchanging EDI documents with a retailer, many are going to demand testing before trading begins. Unless you enjoyed final exams during high school, chances are it’s not going to be a process you’ll enjoy. But EDI testing is something you need to do well. And quickly…