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How EDI Integrations Help Rapid Growth Companies Scale
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Your First EDI Order—Prepare For Success Your First EDI Order—Prepare For Success
Your First EDI Order—Prepare For Success

Zappos or Whole Foods, Wegmans or Bed Bath & Beyond — building a brand means building solid retail relationships. When you have a nascent brand, your focus is squarely on creating something that has unique and enduring appeal. As it grows, however, the strength of your retail relationships becomes almost as important as the qualities of your product or line…

Read More March 30, 2018
New Target DVS requirements for the 855 New Target DVS requirements for the 855
New Target DVS requirements for the 855

EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgement Did you know that Target DVS recently changed their requirements for sending the EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgement (855)? And guess what? If you’re a supplier, you now have even less time to get it to them. In fact, their new requirements demand that you send it — and they receive it — within 30 minutes…

Read More March 21, 2018
Brick and Mortar Update: Tomorrow’s Digital Trends and Today’s Challenges Brick and Mortar Update: Tomorrow’s Digital Trends and Today’s Challenges
Brick and Mortar Update: Tomorrow’s Digital Trends and Today’s Challenges

Tomorrow‘s Digital Trends and Today’s Challenges Technology has forever disrupted traditional retail models, and the emergence of the ‘digital store’ dominates today’s industry discussion. Most presentations at the upcoming NRF Big Show center on the topic, headlines proclaim it, analysts debate it, companies mandate it, and retail executives lose sleep over it…

Read More December 27, 2017
Making EDI human. Making EDI human.
Making EDI human.

ASN/EDI 856. GS1-128/UCC-128. Confused yet? And we haven’t even mentioned the EDI 810. Or the EDI 850. Or the EDI 753 and 754. And on and on and on it goes. After all, there’s no shortage of acronym overload or complexity when it comes to EDI and order management. When so much of the discussion about EDI focuses on specific technical documents or the intricacies of seamless system integration, it’s easy to forget that even the most powerful software needs to be backed by great people. While the right solution will automate as many tasks as possible, it often falls to an actual human being when it comes time to solve a problem or create clarity out of confusion. If…

Read More October 30, 2017