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Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty
Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty

Looking for ways to increase customer loyalty? You should be—repeat business is a formula for success. It’s easier to follow up a sale with another one—it’s getting the first purchase that’s the biggest challenge. But today’s consumers have more options than ever before, suppliers are often responsible for shipping to them directly, and building a base of frequent buyers requires careful attention. For brands and retailers, finding ways to increase customer loyalty should be a key initiative…

Read More April 12, 2022
How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier
How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier

Drop shipping and online sales remain a bright spot in retail, and the opportunities they present for brands and suppliers can’t be ignored. According to a report from the National Retail Federation (NRF), non-store—outside of brick-and-mortar locations—and online retail sales are expected to grow between 11% and 13% in 2022. That translates to a market size of $1.17 trillion to $1.19 trillion. Clearly, online warrants serious focus, and major retailers now expect companies to drop ship direct-to-consumer. The challenge is that it’s an entirely different sort of order processing, requiring small shipments to hundreds of addresses instead of large shipments to a single store or distribution center. So the question is: how can you make drop shipping easier?…

Read More April 1, 2022
SMS Marketing for Drop Ship SMS Marketing for Drop Ship
SMS Marketing for Drop Ship

Are your direct-to-consumer shipments not growing as fast as you would like? Are eCommerce store orders growing slowly? Then it’s time to consider a tactic embraced by many brands—SMS marketing for drop ship…

Read More February 1, 2022
Warehouse or Fulfillment Center: What’s the difference? Warehouse or Fulfillment Center: What’s the difference?
Warehouse or Fulfillment Center: What’s the difference?

Maybe your company is a startup that launched by shipping products from your garage or a spare bedroom. But success means those kinds of solutions don’t work for long. At some point, growing companies need to tackle inventory and fulfillment in a real, efficient, and cost-effective way. That leads to consideration of two options, and the question for many is Warehouse or Fulfillment Center: What’s the difference?…

Read More January 26, 2022
Best Platforms for eCommerce Stores Best Platforms for eCommerce Stores
Best Platforms for eCommerce Stores

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform for your Online Store. For most brands and suppliers, a productive and profitable multichannel approach to sales includes a robust, intuitive, and easily integrated platform that powers an eCommerce store. Even if a company has significant business in online marketplaces and through brick-and-mortar retail, today’s consumer will seek out products in multiple locations. The question is: what are the best platforms for eCommerce stores? As an EDI and online order processing software provider, we work with all the major platforms for eCommerce stores. Our experience, the broad range of customers we serve, and our integration expertise give us valuable insight that can help you choose the platform that is best for your business. Our opinions…

Read More January 14, 2022
Automate EDI and Order Processing

Business is growing. Brand recognition is up. And drop ship orders are soaring. Great news, except that EDI and order processing seems to consume more and more time. How can a company scale, and process more EDI transactions and orders in less time? The solution: automate EDI and order processing as much as possible…

Read More December 30, 2021
Keep Customers Happy Through Holiday Shipping Delays Keep Customers Happy Through Holiday Shipping Delays
Keep Customers Happy Through Holiday Shipping Delays

It’s the rare seller who isn’t approaching this holiday season with some trepidation. Whether it’s a clogged supply chain or worry about how much consumers are prepared to spend when facing lingering COVID concerns, there is plenty to cause sleepless nights. We hate to add worry, but one other issue is the likelihood of hiccups when items are shipped directly to your customers. Other than simply hope they don’t occur, how do you keep customers happy through holiday shipping delays?…

Read More December 2, 2021
EDI and Order Processing for Shopify Users EDI and Order Processing for Shopify Users
EDI and Order Processing for Shopify Users

The Shopify platform provides many entrepreneurs the freedom to launch their businesses. Without significant investment, a brand can go from a mere idea to a company handling orders from online shoppers. But what happens as that company grows and it gains the attention of large retailers who want to carry its products? That usually means Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) capabilities are required, and it can add complexity. But with the right third-party provider, EDI and order processing for Shopify users can be a straightforward process that doesn’t consume valuable time…

Read More October 18, 2021
The ASN or EDI 856 or the Shipment The ASN or EDI 856 or the Shipment
The ASN or EDI 856 or the Shipment

If you are new to EDI, you’ll quickly learn that not all retail trading partners require the same documents. In fact, knowledge of the different retailer requirements is one reason partnering with an expert third-party EDI provider can be valuable. Just be sure to choose one that is constantly reviewing and updating their maps. One of the most utilized EDI documents goes by a few different names—the ASN or EDI 856 or the Shipment…

Read More October 4, 2021
Getting Just-in-Time Inventory Right Getting Just-in-Time Inventory Right
Getting Just-in-Time Inventory Right

As more retailers offer direct-to-consumer shipping for items listed on their websites, they are shifting the warehousing and fulfillment responsibilities to suppliers. At the same time, brands want to keep the space reserved for distribution to a minimum—more warehouse square footage means more costs. Getting Just-in-Time Inventory right can be demanding, and requires knowledgeable, experienced technology partners…

Read More August 25, 2021