eZCom Software Blog
EDI pro tips, essential guides, expert advice - eZCom Software
Inflation. It’s everywhere. And it’s the worst it’s been since the early 1980s. For manufacturers, inflation has always come with a sense of helplessness. It is what it is, now let’s pass the cost on to our customers, who will pass it on to their customers… You know how it goes. But it’s 2022. It is not 1982. Manufacturers today have powerful inflation-fighting, tech-fueled strategies at their fingertips that simply did not exist 40 years ago. Here are four to get your wheels turning…
Since COVID shattered the supply chain, managing inventory efficiently has grown more important than ever before. But a siloed approach and a stand-alone EDI platform make it difficult for companies to have complete transparency across all their operations. The solution? Integrate EDI for inventory visibility…
As you increase retail trading partners who vary in their requirements and what systems they use to communicate with you, some serious challenges arise. Challenges an EDI platform should help alleviate. Unfortunately, not all EDI software and providers offer the tools you need…
Maintaining accurate inventory records is essential for success in today’s fast-paced, multichannel retail environment. Trouble is, it’s not easy…
Chargebacks are among the leading contributors to small business failure in the United States. While there's no foolproof way to avoid them all, you can minimize them when you know the risks…
D2C (direct-to-consumer) businesses can significantly increase their profitability by implementing the RIGHT Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). EDI systems allow companies to exchange documents and data securely and efficiently. When implemented well, EDI can help your D2C reduce overhead costs and improve order accuracy…
Almost every business is looking for ways to save money and efficiency. Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, is one area ripe for cost savings and process improvement. However, you may not have the time or expertise to evaluate an EDI provider and make an upgrade…
If you sell your products to traditional retailers and major online marketplaces, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an essential part of your business operations and integral to supply chain management. Most trading partners will require you to use it, and they will expect your company to meet the compliance standards they have established. If your organization is missing the mark, here are seven ways to improve your EDI process…
Maintaining appropriate inventory is paramount in today’s competitive retail environment. Major stores are not happy when they discover a product they want on their shelves is not available, especially when they don’t get advance notice from the supplier. That’s why Inventory Out-of-Stock Detection is so valuable…
As a brand grows and expands its footprint to major retailers, it will be expected to process orders using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). If you’re new to EDI, it can be challenging, time-consuming, and seem difficult to meet the compliance standards of your trading partners. In fact, as frustrations mount, you may find yourself asking: why do retailers use EDI?…