Person working on a computer Person working on a computer
How EDI Integrations Help Rapid Growth Companies Scale
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FDA sign FDA sign
How Section 204(d) of the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act Will Impact the Grocery and Food Service Industries

The following post is a contribution from Shane Morris, Business Development Director at GS1 US, a not-for-profit information standards organization that collaborates with business and industry to encourage the adoption and use of GS1 Standards-based solutions that can help improve business processes. In November 2022, the FDA published legislation which implements Section 204(d) of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This is often referred to as FSMA 204, or the Final Rule, and it requires companies to keep additional records for designated foods to protect public health…

Read More June 6, 2023
Guide to Choosing the Right 3PL Provider Guide to Choosing the Right 3PL Provider
Guide to Choosing the Right 3PL Provider

As brands grow and increase their retail footprint, shipping ever-increasing quantities presents real challenges. It’s not long before the space in the garage doesn’t cut it, or the time demanded of staff becomes overwhelming. For most brands, this is when it’s time to consider a warehouse and fulfillment specialist. It’s an important, valuable step. But choosing the right 3PL provider requires thought, research, and a careful review of specific needs. Here's our Guide to Choosing the Right 3PL Provider…

Read More May 30, 2023
Score meter in the green Score meter in the green
Retailer Scorecards: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?

When the supplier-retailer relationship is running smoothly, both parties are happy. When there are hiccups, neither are. A retailer scorecard helps keep the relationship copacetic, mutually beneficial and primed for new opportunities. And you can think of it exactly as what you might be envisioning: a report card…

Read More April 6, 2023
person on the phone in her office person on the phone in her office
EDI Testing—Here's What You Need to Know

Congrats! A major retailer wants to carry your product! That spells distribution, brand awareness, revenue and… Testing. Specifically, EDI testing. As you likely know, virtually all retailers require EDI compliance from their suppliers. It’s how they ensure that elements of the relationship are economically viable. Timeliness. Accuracy. Predictability…

Read More February 14, 2023
Person using a computer while we see files automated Person using a computer while we see files automated
EDI Automation: Best Practices, Pro Tips and Expected Outcomes

Software pulled EDI out of the fax era. Now automation is optimizing it, helping businesses drive more productivity and revenue while mitigating risks and costs. But here’s the thing: Just as EDI software felt like a daunting departure from faxing, the mere mention of the word “automation” sometimes makes people sweat. How do I even get started? What’s the time investment? How will this impact my retailer relationships? So let’s break EDI automation down and walk through some manageable best practices, pro tips and what you can expect to get out of it…

Read More January 31, 2023
Person holding a shield while fighting Inflation Person holding a shield while fighting Inflation
4 Tech-Powered Strategies to Help Manufacturers Fight Inflation

Inflation. It’s everywhere. And it’s the worst it’s been since the early 1980s. For manufacturers, inflation has always come with a sense of helplessness. It is what it is, now let’s pass the cost on to our customers, who will pass it on to their customers… You know how it goes. But it’s 2022. It is not 1982. Manufacturers today have powerful inflation-fighting, tech-fueled strategies at their fingertips that simply did not exist 40 years ago. Here are four to get your wheels turning…

Read More December 20, 2022
Seven Ways to Improve your EDI Process

If you sell your products to traditional retailers and major online marketplaces, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an essential part of your business operations and integral to supply chain management. Most trading partners will require you to use it, and they will expect your company to meet the compliance standards they have established. If your organization is missing the mark, here are seven ways to improve your EDI process…

Read More July 13, 2022
Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty
Ways to Increase Customer Loyalty

Looking for ways to increase customer loyalty? You should be—repeat business is a formula for success. It’s easier to follow up a sale with another one—it’s getting the first purchase that’s the biggest challenge. But today’s consumers have more options than ever before, suppliers are often responsible for shipping to them directly, and building a base of frequent buyers requires careful attention. For brands and retailers, finding ways to increase customer loyalty should be a key initiative…

Read More April 12, 2022
How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier
How Can You Make Drop Shipping Easier

Drop shipping and online sales remain a bright spot in retail, and the opportunities they present for brands and suppliers can’t be ignored. According to a report from the National Retail Federation (NRF), non-store—outside of brick-and-mortar locations—and online retail sales are expected to grow between 11% and 13% in 2022. That translates to a market size of $1.17 trillion to $1.19 trillion. Clearly, online warrants serious focus, and major retailers now expect companies to drop ship direct-to-consumer. The challenge is that it’s an entirely different sort of order processing, requiring small shipments to hundreds of addresses instead of large shipments to a single store or distribution center. So the question is: how can you make drop shipping easier?…

Read More April 1, 2022
SMS Marketing for Drop Ship SMS Marketing for Drop Ship
SMS Marketing for Drop Ship

Are your direct-to-consumer shipments not growing as fast as you would like? Are eCommerce store orders growing slowly? Then it’s time to consider a tactic embraced by many brands—SMS marketing for drop ship…

Read More February 1, 2022